Friday, February 12, 2021

Memory Matters - Ausi Lebo Mashile

 Memory Matters Quotes

“Perspective in the memory game is really power. We all know that the pen that writes the story is the pen that ultimately controls perspective, controls the memory, controls the psyche of the people who will be on the receiving end of that memory.”

“Perspective shapes our emotional responses to the story. Perspective decides who is important in the story, who do we empathise with? Who do we feel sympathy for? Who gets remembered? Who are the victors, who are the villains.”

“We have a memory crisis. The signifiers of our memory as a nation don’t accurately reflect the lived experiences of our people. The people who have written into our history what these signifiers mean, don’t look like me. What does that mean? It means that in our national consciousness there are gaping holes, there are massive pockets of silence. And where there’s silence, ultimately there will be violence.”

In South Africa we don’t have an emotional vocabulary. We have 2 emotions. Euphoria and Rage.

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