Tuesday, October 13, 2009
I Rise...

Lion's Den

Hoping maybe he wasn’t hungry.
He licked his lips as I entered,
& slowly came towards me.
I’m neither naïve nor ignorant
So I already knew what's coming,
I saw his sharp yellow eyes glisten,
As he fixed his gaze towards me.
He circled me a couple of times,
Relishing the moment.
His sharp gaze burnt into my skin,
He couldn’t believe his luck.
The rest of it seemed to happen in slow motion,
As I recall, as he lunged on me,
he first went for my eyes.
Blinding me from the nightmare
That was surely about to come.
In my semi-blind state,
I felt more than I saw,
& with each bite that he took,
I knew I’d known it would end this way…
In the distance I could hear a friend shout;
‘Mbali! What are you doing?
Get the hell out of there!
He’s going to kill you!’
But what she didn’t realize,
Is that I’d made the choice to come here,
And I was going to let him have his way.
I was in the lion’s den after all,
So of course this had to happen.
He pinned my hair down with his paws,
& surprisingly I didn’t fight him.
I felt his nails slicing through my skull,
But I didn’t utter a word.
Then I felt him pause for a second,
‘What’s wrong with you’? He asked,
‘Shout, cry, scream. This is meant to hurt.’
It took all of my power to be still,
And let him have his way.
He saved my heart for last,
Hoping to devour it
As it lay bleeding & beating in his paw.
As his sharp teeth lunged
at my beating heart,
I heard a great big Howl,
And then a sharp tooth crack.
It was only then he realized,
My heart was made of stone.
I’d known that when I came here,
So I knew that I’d be fine.
He limped away into a corner,
Grabbing his bleeding jaw as he went.
I strolled out of that lion’s den,
Knowing I’d won the fight.
Like Vodka, Like Fresh Water

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Those Hands

I met a boy, or rather, a man.
As beautiful as he was arrogant,
As addictive as he was charming.
Those eyes, that smile, those hands.
I must admit that I fell in love with those hands.
With his hands he held me,
As we watched the beautiful sunrise,
After the long nightmare
With his hands he held me,
Through long walks by the sea,
As we played, laughed and
On endless nights of loving,
& love making, he held me.
Caressing my body,
Celebrating my being.
Always holding me.
I’d been held before,
& I’ve been held since.
But when he held me,
He held my body,
Held my heart.
He held the most intimate
Parts of me,
Gently caressed away my pain,
Calmed my fears.
He reminded me
Of what I’d long forgotten.
That I am something special.
Yes, I’d been held before,
And I’ve been held since,
But when He held me...
The Perfect Man...
I didn’t recognise his face,
But for as long as I shall live,
His memory I can never erase.
I spoke to a perfect man once,
He didn’t blow me away,
But the perfect love he gave,
I still reminisce about today.
I loved the perfect man once,
I had gold yet I didn’t know,
And I took it all for granted,
That I was all he’d ever want & more,
I left a perfect man once,
Chasing dreams & the superficial,
But I cannot still deny that,
His love was something special.
Friday, August 7, 2009
My Hearts Longing...

To seek elegance rather than luxury,
and refinement rather than fashion.
To be worthy, not respectable,
and wealthy, not rich.
To study hard, think quietly,
talk gently, act frankly.
To listen to stars and birds,
to babes and sages, with open heart.
To bear all cheerfully,
do all bravely, await occasions,
In a word, to let the spiritual,
unbidden and unconscious,
This is to be my symphony.
~William Henry Channing~
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
A conversation with an ex...

When I asked you the one question,
That’s possessed my mind since we ended,
‘What broke us?’
I was nestled in a cloud of passion,
Drained yet content, from hours together.
‘Promiscuity’, you said.
Until those words left your lips, I lay
Curled up in your arms, exhausted, blissful.
Our bodies still entwined together,
My head nestled comfortably on your chest.
I listened to your heartbeat.
‘Promiscuity, you say.’
I breathed in your delightful scent,
Light-headed from your delicious perfume.
‘I don’t wanna talk about it’ you said,
Then proceeded to kiss my neck,
Running your fingers down my back,
And marvelling at how much that excites me.
‘Um, actually. I wanna talk about it’
I murmured, trying to resist the heat
As your lips ignited a fire deep within me.
‘Please don’t start. We’ve had a perfect night.’
You said, circling my breast with your hands,
Your fingers tickling my belly, as they headed south.
I could feel tears threaten to betray me,
As I replayed the word in my head.
The thought was drowned by your lips,
Pressing hard on mine, willing me to forget.
‘Guess what I’d like to do to you?’
I felt my brain separate from my body,
As I watched like a spectator, my body betraying me.
Passionately devouring you, burning with excitement.
Had I been a stronger individual, I would have
Shoved you off me, slapped you and kicked you out.
Promiscuity? Promi-bloody-scuity?
How dare you reduce what you did to me to that?
How dare you forget the way you hurt me?
How dare you?
I could faintly hear my brain condemning me,
‘How dare he? How dare You?’
I continued watching the scene, still a spectator.
When it comes to you, I’ve often felt like an addict,
Your body, my favourite drug.
Watching you climb onto me, breathing heavily
I welcomed you as I always have, delighted.
Feasting on my favourite drug.
‘I’ve really missed you’ you said,
Nibbling on my ear, delighted by my screams.
‘I’ve missed you too...’ I whispered.
We continued this magical dance,
You on top, then me, then you again.
‘I can never get enough of you’
Oh, how I loved to hear you say that,
Loved being the centre of your happiness.
As you explored the centre of mine.
Later, as you lay resting beside me,
I sat staring into the darkness.
Silently revisiting our earlier conversation.
‘What’s on your mind’ you asked.
‘Oh, nothing much. I just realised
That the word ‘promiscuity’
Rhymes perfectly with ‘stupidity’
Friday, July 31, 2009
What do you want?

I want to be with you.
I want to forgive you.
I want to forget the dark times,
Those lies you told.
I want to be with you.
I want us to restack the cards.
I want us to build sand castles
I want us to run through the rain
Bare foot and happy.
I want to be with you.
I want you, to want to be with me.
I want you to kiss me first.
I want you to tell me of the different
Shades of your love for me.
I want you to think of me,
I want you to want me to think of you
I want you to know that I do think of you often.
I want to be with you
But most of all,
I want you to apologise first.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
A lil girl (By Mashilo Masemola)

The Other Woman...

I was the other woman.
I thought that I was his,
& he was really mine.
He would look into my eyes,‘
I can’t imagine life without you’.
And in that moment I believed it,
He would hold me in his arms,
‘You complete me,
I never wanna lose you’.
And I knew I felt it too.
I lived a lie,
Thinking I was living the dream.
He was mine for random moments,
Whilst I was his completely.
Waking up from that dream,
I felt used, cheated & betrayed.
I couldn’t believe that ‘I’
Had been the other woman.
Every kiss we’d shared had been a lie,
Every ‘I love you’ he said, had been a lie.
Our every single memory,
had only been a lie.
Once upon a time,
I was the other woman.
But as I often say:
The world has two types of people.
The judgers and the judged.
I no longer sit with the judgers,
Coz now I am the judged.
They say the road to hell,
Is paved with good intentions.
It’s not okay to have meant well,
When lives were torn apart,
It’s not pity that I’m looking for,
Or even some absolution,
This is just a little reminder,
There’s two sides to every story,
And in this case, my begins with…
Once upon a time,
I was the other woman.
My Voice...

Monday, June 29, 2009
When I say I'm a Christian... (Carol Wimmer)

I'm not shouting "I'm clean livin'.
"I'm whispering "I was lost,
Now I'm found and forgiven.
"When I say... "I am a Christian"
I don't speak of this with pride.
I'm confessing that I stumble
and need Christ to be my guide.
When I say... "I am a Christian"
I'm not trying to be strong.
I'm professing that I'm weak
And need His strength to carry on.
When I say... "I am a Christian"
I'm not bragging of success.
I'm admitting I have failed
And need God to clean my mess.
When I say... "I am a Christian"
I'm not claiming to be perfect,
My flaws are far too visible
But, God believes I am worth it.
When I say... "I am a Christian"
I still feel the sting of pain.
I have my share of heartaches
So I call upon His name.
When I say... "I am a Christian"
I'm not holier than thou,
I'm just a simple sinner
Who received God's good grace, somehow!
Friday, June 26, 2009
I dream about the day...

I dream about the day,
When I’ll no longer be.
I dream about the day,
When you’ll wake up to see.
See I was all you’d ever wanted,
The best you’d ever have.
See how showering all my love on you,
Meant I had none left for myself.
I dream of myself dying,
You hearing the terrible news.
I dream about you asking yourself,
Who’s left for me to use?
I see you walking aimlessly,
Wondering what a fool you’d been.
I see you crying for my return,
Praying to wipe the slate clean.
As I dream about that day,
When I’ll lay cold, six feet under,
I dream that for your sake & mine,
You’ll find another woman.
I dream about the day,
When your ego won’t dictate,
How you act, what you do.
But by then, it will be too late.
But then, I dream about you waking up,
And me being gone was just a dream.
When you wake I’ll be beside you,
And you’ll resist the urge to scream.
Scream with joy, with relief,
Knowing you’ve a second chance,
A second chance to love me right,
A second chance for a brand new start.
I dream of you making a vow that day,
To love and cherish me,
To never forget the special gift,
That is me and only me.
But this is just a dream for now,
For I know you all too well,
And although I hope and pray for it,
Honestly, only time will tell...
But for your sake and mine my love,
Don’t think I’m here to stay,
Because although I love you now...
Tomorrow is another day.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Dedicated to Mbali (by the Late Tshepo Gule)

There's something special
About the way you smile,
That lingers in my mind,
So that,
Whenever we're apart,
I always look forward,
To being with you again...
There's something special,
About the way you care for me,
And makes me feel strong enough,
To handle almost any day.
There's something special,
About the way you love me
That makes every day I'm with you,
One more reason,
To want to be with you forever...
Monday, June 22, 2009
How Aids Has Affected Me...

"It was bright and sunny that day, the perfect day for a wedding. She was the first one of us to get married. We were proud. My brothers scraped every last cent from their wallets. My father wanted everything to be perfect. We were all together for the first time in years, we were a real family, united and happy. She radiated beauty and womanliness; my beloved sister had found true happiness.
I liked my brother-in-law, he looked like a good man and he treated her well. We all thought they would live happily ever after. After all, every cloud has a silver lining, right? My sisters life has had it's fair share of dark clouds, from the time when she was born and my father denied she was his, to when her mother had died in the floods of '95. She was a strong woman though, a real survivor. I loved her and I wanted this day to be extra special. It was. She rode out of the church with her new husband on her arm. We cheered, clapped and ululated. It was a happy ending, so we thought.
Two months later, on a cool windy Thursday, my mother received a call. My sister's husband was in hospital. Nothing major, just a recurring headache. I had no reason to worry I was reassured. But it was at that moment that I knew something was wrong. My family is always trying to protect me from things. They think just because I am the youngest I won't understand.
To a certain extent I don't understand, I don't want to understand. I should not have to understand. The worst thing was finding out. Like everyone who's never been faced with this situation, I made fun of it. I was just commenting on how everywhere you turn, there is a warning about HIV/AIDS. I might have said something like, "who cares how many people die of Aids everyday, they should know better." I cringe when I think of how insensitive and just blatantly cruel I was being. My mother asked me this: Would I still feel the same way if someone I was close to got infected? I said I would. Then she said "your sister's got it".
I was stunned. I thought about it, tried to make sense of her words, but I couldn't let myself believe it. I felt the ground beneath my feet crumble. I wanted, I needed to cry, but I couldn't. Instead I got angry. At her for letting this happen, at myself for loving her too much and even at God for taking my sister too soon. She would miss out on so much, and why, for what? For love? I didn't believe in love anymore. Everyone seems to believe that love is the answer - love conquers all. Well, let's see it conquer this. Nothing has managed to conquer Aids, not love, not medicine, not anything. It is love's fault that I'm losing my sister. She means the world to me. I love her so much it hurts. I wish I could take her place. She has so much more to live for; her presence is much more valued.
This is how I felt for a long time. But then one day, it hit me; she's not gone yet. I realized I would have to let God's will be done if I were to keep my sanity. I had to be there for my sister, after all she was suffering more than me. I had to stand by her to the bitter end.
Looking back on my sister's wedding day I can understand why she was glowing and radiant. Somehow she must have known that those smiles, cheers and ululation meant she was loved. A true uncircumstantial love that would give her the strength and reason to fight, even when things looked and seemed dark and hopeless. I realize that my sister's being infected with the HI virus has taught me. It has taught me to love, in word and in deed.
Me and my sister's relationship has survived the greatest test and I am proud to say that even in death, God is with us."
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
My Ideal Woman...

Beautiful eyes, focused
Crazy, yet disciplined
My soul sister,
African woman, independent woman
She's my ideal woman
when i met you,
my boys said i was getting soft,
i said - fuck
For my ideal woman,
i will cry,
i'll go to war and die,
for my ideal woman
I'll fight against evil
for my ideal woman
Babe you worth it
When i did the right i
normally would done wrong,
I knew you were the one,
my ideal woman
when i could've treated you bad
but i didn't
knew you were the one,
my ideal woman
when you made me
appreciate you for you,
without even trying
i knew you were the ideal woman
when we sang along to Marley's
"is this love, is this love that i'm feeling"
i knew i had developed feelings f
or my ideal woman
But then you called and said
"babe we need to talk"
i thought, are we moving things up a notch?
the answer to that was nope!!!
we stop
now i'm ragging against self,
for my ideal woman
the one i know is the one,
is no longer there,
and i got no one
coz i don't want no one
other than you, my ideal woman
Could it be i fell for a wrong woman?
how could something
that feels this right be wrong?
where did we go wrong?
is it something i did,
something you did?
something i did i shouldn't have done?
what is it?
now i'm ragging against all
what's wrong with me,
what's wrong with you, woman?
there's nothing wrong with her,
after all....
she is my ideal woman
then she told me.....
what's really going on,
what really went down,
why we can't be down like that
she made me understand
that people go through phase in life,
right now i'm going through
a phase where i'm fighting to be
with my ideal woman"
even though right now we can't be
"we" like we where,
Babe, you are still my ideal woman
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Fifteen and a Half (Eric Miyeni)

Never be kind to somebody when you should hurt
Be generous with the correct dose of the right
punishment or reward
Don't, don't don't only act to please, it does not suit you.
Never smile when looking at people and things you
Never laugh when in your book the joke told is not
Never jump up acting all excited when all you feel is
Never, never, never be false.
It's not necessary
When the man dying is the object of your hatred, don't
Just like you mustn't laugh when you are dying to cry
Don't cry when your whole body is aching for you to
Don't, don't, don't be someone other than yourself, it isunbecoming
Never say sixteen when you should say fifteen and a half
Never lie when you should tell the truth
But never be truthful when you should wait for the right
moment for truth
Never, never lie or ill-time the truth, doing this
has a funny way of biting back
Never lick ass when you should be fighting hard
Never ever fight when you should be licking that ass
Be yourself always and pray
That 'yourself' is the best of you
that you can give to the world
Never change who you are to suit others.
But never, never, never stick to what's horrible about who you are.
The Black Woman is Dead (Source Unknown)

Medical sources say she died of natural causes, but those who knew her know she died from being silent when she should have been screaming, milling when she should have been raging, from being sick and not wanting anyone to know because her pain might inconvenience them.
She died from an overdose of other people clinging to her when she didn't even have energy for herself. She died from loving men who didn't love themselves and could only offer her a crippled reflection. She died from raising children alone and for not being able to do a complete job.
She died from the lies her grandmother told her mother and her mother told her about life, men & racism. She died from being sexually abused as a child and having to take that truth everywhere she went every day of her life, exchanging the humiliation for guilt and back again.
She died from being battered by someone who claimed to love her and she allowed the battering to go on to show she loved him too. She died from asphyxiation, coughing up blood from secrets she kept trying to burn away instead of allowing herself the kind of nervous breakdown she was entitled to, but only white girls could afford.
She died from being responsible, because she was the last rung on the ladder and there was no one under her she could dump on. The strong black woman is dead.
She died from the multiple births of children she never really wanted but was forced to have by the strangling morality of those around her. She died from being a mother at 15 and a grandmother at 30 and an ancestor at 45.
She died from being dragged down and sat upon by UN-evolved women posing as sisters. She died from pretending the life she was living was a Kodak moment instead of a 20th century, post-slavery nightmare!
She died from tolerating Mr. Pitiful, just to have a man and the house. She died from lack of orgasms because she never learned what made her body happy and no one took the time to teach her and sometimes, when she found arms that were tender, she died because they belonged to the same gender.
She died from sacrificing herself for everybody and everything when what she really wanted to do was be a singer, a dancer, or some magnificent other.
She died from lies of omission because she didn't want to bring the black man down. She died from race memories of being snatched and raped and snatched and sold and snatched and bred and snatched and whipped and snatched and worked to death.
She died from tributes from her counterparts who should have been matching her efforts instead of showering her with dead words and empty songs. She died from myths that would not allow her to show weakness without being chastised by the lazy and hazy.
She died from hiding her real feelings until they became hard and bitter enough to invade her womb and breasts like angry tumors. She died from always lifting something from heavy boxes to refrigerators. The strong black woman is dead.
She died from the punishments received from being honest about life, racism & men. She died from being called a bitch for being verbal, a dyke for being assertive and a whore for picking her own lovers. She died from never being enough of what men wanted, or being too much for the men she wanted.
She died from being too black and died again for not being black enough. She died from castration every time somebody thought of her as only a woman, or treated her like less than a man.
She died from being misinformed about her mind, her body and the extent of her royal capabilities. She died from knees pressed too close together because respect was never part of the foreplay that was being shoved at her.
She died from loneliness in birthing rooms and aloneness in abortion centers. She died of shock in courtrooms where she sat, alone, watching her children being legally lynched.
She died in bathrooms with her veins busting open with self-hatred and neglect. She died in her mind, fighting life racism, & men, while her body was carted away and stashed in a human warehouse for the spiritually mutilated. And sometimes when she refused to die, when she just refused to give in she was killed by the lethal images of blonde hair, blue eyes and flat butts, rejected by the O.J.'s, the Quincy's, & the Poitiers.
Sometimes, she was stomped to death by racism and sexism, executed by hi-tech ignorance while she carried the family in her belly, the community on her head, and the race on her back!
The strong silent, talking black woman is dead!
Or is she still alive and kicking? I know I am still here.
The Invitation (Oriah)
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
It takes a real man...
It takes a real man
To understand the heart
Of a real woman
It takes a real man
To fulfil the needs
Of a real woman
It takes a real man,
To delight the mind
Of a real woman.
It takes a real man
To pursue a real woman.
Because only a real man,
Knows that I am
As strong as I am weak
& altho most times
I don't need anyone
I get scared sometimes,
I need a compliment sometimes,
I need to be held sometimes
I need a friend sometimes.
A real man can
Let down his guard
For a real woman,
Risk his pride
For a real woman,
He can surrender his heart,
For a real woman,
Because unlike other men,
The real man sees
The true value...
Of a Real woman...
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
The In-Between Moments

No words were spoken,
No promises were made,
In the in-between moments,
We let the moment linger,
From second-to-second-to-second.
I felt my spirit leave my body,
I felt your heartbeat over my own,
In the in-between moments.
I’ve made many mistakes in my life-time,
But I knew this wasn’t one of them.
I felt little goose-bumps,
As I reminisced on your touch,
Your scent, your breath.
In the in-between moments
Our secret world, where we lived
Friday, May 15, 2009
My God is a black woman...
I can’t help but believe that he’s a black woman.
When you hear of his generosity, his sacrifice and great love,
I’m convinced he’s a black woman.
A God who could love those who turn their backs on him,
A God who could forgive those who nailed him to a cross
& beat and spat at him.
Isn’t that the love that defines a black woman.
Beaten, robbed, raped and abused. The black woman
Is still overflowing with so much love.
See a mother visiting her murderer son in a prison cell,
See a wife, welcoming home an abusive husband,
See a daughter forgiving an uncle who violated her.
See the love of a black woman.
My mom who worked her fingers bare, so we could eat,
I see God in her beautiful, powerful spirit
Yes, My God is a black woman…
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Take me on a journey...

Take me on a journey of souls.
Where words need not be spoken,
Where emotions seem insignificant,
Where lies are as foreign as Kalahari snow.
Take me through the pain,
Let me be there where it all took place,
Let me feel it and live it,
So I can be freed from it.
Take me through the beauty and the joy,
Let me embrace it, inhale it and
Revel in it,
Let my spirit dance in the memories,
Capture the laughter and
slide joyously across the rainbow
of happy days gone by,
Take me back before my time,
Take me through their truth and their lives,
Reveal to me the mysteries they hold,
Spread my lifetime to the time to come,
They will know me, they will know
Take me on a journey of souls,
From souls of my ancestors to
my great great grand children,
But more importantly, take me
On my own path, a path that pierces like a knife
Deep into my own being,
Past the falseness, past the illusion, where
Only what is authentic remains,
I can never fully experience wholeness,
Until you take me on this journey
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Sneak Preview 3: Writing about ....
We spent the rest of the evening moving through the crowds, having a few drinks at the various spots and then we moved to the stairway above Spur.
‘I hope you don’t mind, I just need to get away from the crowd’
He said as he led me up the staircase, flicking the cigarrete he’d been smoking towards the ground where crowds of students stood drinking and dancing..
‘I don’t mind, I also need a bit of space to breathe’
Oh, and I must admit that had I been sober the next words would have never left my mouth:
‘And spend a bit of time alone with you…’
I regretted the words just after I uttered them, now he’d definitely think I wanted to sleep with him!
I walked in front of him as we made our way up the steps. He walked very close behind me, with his hands on my waist. He had his lips inches from my ear, I could feel his breath on my cheek.
‘I think I should warn you Mbali, I’ve decided that no matter what happens tonight, I’m definitely going to be taking advantage of you’ He turned me around to face him as we reached the last step.
‘Be careful,’ I responded softly,
‘I was just thinking the same thing…’, I looked up at him, inhaling his divine perfume, mixed with the smell of Dunhill Lights. He looked down at me with the most delicate, gentle gaze.
‘I’m going to kiss you now, is that okay?’
He asked moving closer towards me.
All I could do was nod, as once again I heard the angels singing in the background and felt like I'd died and gone to heaven. He held my waist with one hand, and lifted my face towards him with his finger. His confidence, as he took me in his arms, sent my blood pressure soaring. I was living the dream of thousands of women, here in my arms was the perfect man, and I, little ordinary me, was the one girl he wanted!
I drowned in his kiss, at first it was gentle and a bit timid, then it became more aggressive and I heard a groan escape from the back of his throat. He was suddenly like a man possessed. He tugged at my hair, sending divine sparks throughout my body. His lips were rough and wild as they explored mine. I responded to his energy and dug my nails onto his back as I pulled him closer to me.
He started nibbling on my ear, whispering:
'You're irresistable Mbali. I never want this to end'
25 Random Things About Me
2. I've been in Gauteng for 6 years but still don't feel comfortable enough speaking anything but Zulu & English (eish, guess that thing abt Zulus is true)
3. One of my secret hobbies is sitting alone at a Sushi restaurant, eating sushi with chop-sticks and drinking a Castle Lite (wondering what people think of this weird phenomenon... black chick, in a japanese restaurant, drinking beer, now that's just crazy!)
4. I honestly, truly, really really don't believe there's such a thing as a 'bad person', even Mugabe has his endearing qualities (Like that Hitler moustache he's got going)
5. I think Chris Rock is the philosopher of our time, that man is deep shame…
6. I once drove to another province by myself, booked into a hotel and went to a party… by my self.
7. A big part of me still doesn’t believe in sex before marriage, stru!
8. I never missed a single day of school after Standard 3. Until matric I had full attendance (guess I really was a geek)
9. I think baths are kinda disgusting, who wants to sit in dirty water and claim to come out clean…
10. When I was 19, I almost got married (we went to the magistrates court with our ID’s, had the witnesses on stand by… bt the magistrate kinda told us to F* off, thank goodness!)
11. A real fear of mine is going into a club with fluorescent lights (the kind that makes white clothes shimmer), wearing a white item and it not shimmering. So, just in case, I replace white t-shirts often… and swear by Jik.
12. I didn’t know until I was in matric that I had light brown eyes (when a certain someone wrote me a poem called ‘brown eyes’)
13. 90% of the time, I play Gospel in my car, and the other 10% it’s hip-hop / house.
14. I love the smell of a man who’s just had a cigarette.
15. I don’t believe in any form of violence, no hitting kids, no slapping cheating girlfriends/boyfriends, none of it.
16. 2 ply tissues, spring water, flavoured condoms and Listerine are not luxuries, there’s no other way to go.
17. I think wearing more than 3 colours at a time should be a crime. My no.1 rule: accessorise, accessorise, accessorise. (Yes, there’s the odd exception though, like traditional wear, where it’s ‘the brighter the better, but looking like a pack of Niknacks doesn’t work)
18. I think the saddest type of person is an ageing black woman with all the money in the world and no family / man to share it with (…and this comes from a real feminist who thinks men are just there to carry stuff)
19. When I think of going broke, the saddest part is how I imagine down-grading from Dunhill Menthol to Snuff.
20. I would love to produce the South African version of ‘Cheaters’, imagine a Zulu man going: ‘Yes, she’s my girlfriend… and? Hamb’ ekhaya uyek’ uk’tetemuka nabelung’ abapheth’ ama camera. My food better be ready when I get there!’
21. I think make-up doesn’t fool anyone.
22. I think proof that Christianity is the real thing is that it’s the only religion with a real opposition, the other ones are probably on the wrong track anyways… so no one bothers them.
23. I wonder what the guy who came up with Sponge-Bob Square-pants was smoking. ‘So we take a sponge, right. Put it at the bottom of the sea, and dress it in pants…’, but it’s a sponge so it has to wear square pants… I know! Sponge-Bob Square-pants…! Why Bob, why not Sponge-George / Sponge-Phillip?
24. I sometimes sit and look at my huge book collection with the same pride and admiration one would have when looking at their kids. It’s one of my most prized possessions.
25. I think the most unforgivable human characteristic is hypocricy.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
When I say 'I love you'
It’s not so much the looks,
Or even what you have.
Its you.
When I say I love you,
I love the man you were
the day you were born,
& I love the man you’ll be
when you take your last breath.
When I say I love you,
I love that beautiful mind
that always challenges mine,
I love that boyish charm that
melts every heart
When I say I love you,
I love the man you wish to be for me,
My hero, my best friend,
my knight in shining armour.
I love the woman you inspire me to be.
When I say I love you,
I love who you are as much as
Who you’ll one day be.
The father in you, the husband in you.
The best friend in you.
When I say I love you,
I love the flaws in you,
the imperfections in you,
I love all of you.
When I say I love you,
I feel it so gently, yet so strongly
at the same time.
I know that I know it,
because I know me…
When I say I love you,
I see all of the reasons I
should perhaps walk away,
But then my heart says I love you,
And all I want is to stay.
When I say I love you,
I sometimes wish it weren’t true,
But the thought of not loving you,
Leaves me cold & somewhat blue.
When I say I love you,
I wish I could show you how much,
But all I can say is 'I love you',
& hope you know that it's true...
The Black Diamond Deception

A glimpse into the lighter side of my book...

‘I’ve moved to Groenkloof campus, I’m doing B-Ed.’
My heart sank to my ankles. B-Ed? Had he just said B-Ed, as in Bachelor of Education?
In the hierachy of Tuks this is how things worked: At the top there were the medical students who lived on Med campus in Gezina. They were closely followed by the Actuarial studies students, apparently if you were anything less than a genius, medicine and actuarial sciences weren’t for you.
Then there were the engineering students. They always carried heavy back-packs and wore serious looks as if they were the next Isaac Newton. I once saw an engineering student with the t-shirt: ‘Engineering Department: We will B-Com your managers’, I thought that was quite witty.
Below the arrogant engineers were the B-com & Law students, the smart-ish kids who spent more time drinking at the square than they did at the library, but would still be something one day. Well some of them...
Then there were the BA (arts, literature etc.) students. Their course was accurately dubbed ‘Bugger All’ because these were the rich kids who studied things like art just because it fascinated them. My mother would slap me for entertaining something so crazy! Her first question would be: Does it put food on the table? Of course it doesn’t! So, forget this passion thing and get a proper job! But at the absolute bottom of the food chain were the B-Ed students. B-Ed was the one course that didn’t have minimum requirements. All you needed was a matric exemption, and then you qualified. Everybody knew this and it was the butt of many jokes on campus.
‘That’s nice!’
I smiled, hiding my great dissapointment. It would have been better if he’d told me he’d got a job as one of the security guards, at least they had guns and you were forced to respect them.
The different sides of me...

The crazy side,
The fun, up-beat, side to side,
I love this side.
Then there’s the driven side,
The hard working side,
The ambitious, go-getter, conquer the world
I also love this side.
Then we get inside,
To the calm, deep thinking side,
The serious, private, hidden side,
Also my favourite side.
But past the crazy side,
& The driven side,
Even beyond the deep side,
There’s the ugly side.
The selfish, f*ck the world side,
The you don’t knowm me so don’t judge me side,
I feel safe in this side,
I think I need this side.
But there’s also the lonely side,
The wanderer who’s always seeking side,
This is a hidden side,
The private, no one knows this,
There’s also the loving side,
The for better or worse,
Through thick & thin,
I’ll never let go side,
This is my scariest side.
I don’t really like this side.
But my most honest side,
Is my spiritual side.
The my God loves me &
That’s enough side.
You’re free to pick a side,
But know that deep down,
I’m every single side,
On the inside.