I dream about the day,
When I’ll no longer be.
I dream about the day,
When you’ll wake up to see.
See I was all you’d ever wanted,
The best you’d ever have.
See how showering all my love on you,
Meant I had none left for myself.
I dream of myself dying,
You hearing the terrible news.
I dream about you asking yourself,
Who’s left for me to use?
I see you walking aimlessly,
Wondering what a fool you’d been.
I see you crying for my return,
Praying to wipe the slate clean.
As I dream about that day,
When I’ll lay cold, six feet under,
I dream that for your sake & mine,
You’ll find another woman.
I dream about the day,
When your ego won’t dictate,
How you act, what you do.
But by then, it will be too late.
But then, I dream about you waking up,
And me being gone was just a dream.
When you wake I’ll be beside you,
And you’ll resist the urge to scream.
Scream with joy, with relief,
Knowing you’ve a second chance,
A second chance to love me right,
A second chance for a brand new start.
I dream of you making a vow that day,
To love and cherish me,
To never forget the special gift,
That is me and only me.
But this is just a dream for now,
For I know you all too well,
And although I hope and pray for it,
Honestly, only time will tell...
But for your sake and mine my love,
Don’t think I’m here to stay,
Because although I love you now...
Tomorrow is another day.
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