Thursday, May 14, 2009

Take me on a journey...

Take me on a journey,
Take me on a journey of souls.
Where words need not be spoken,
Where emotions seem insignificant,
Where lies are as foreign as Kalahari snow.

Take me through the pain,
Let me be there where it all took place,
Let me feel it and live it,
So I can be freed from it.

Take me through the beauty and the joy,
Let me embrace it, inhale it and
Revel in it,
Let my spirit dance in the memories,
Capture the laughter and
slide joyously across the rainbow
of happy days gone by,

Take me back before my time,
Take me through their truth and their lives,
Reveal to me the mysteries they hold,
Spread my lifetime to the time to come,
They will know me, they will know

Take me on a journey of souls,
From souls of my ancestors to
my great great grand children,
But more importantly, take me
On my own path, a path that pierces like a knife
Deep into my own being,
Past the falseness, past the illusion, where
Only what is authentic remains,

I can never fully experience wholeness,
Until you take me on this journey


  1. wow this is some great writing rite here are blessed with words...keep it up and you going places,if you not there already...
