Thursday, December 13, 2012

Back to basics

I honestly believe my life is a comedy. Here I was, a day into my new fabulous job and my teeth decide to turn on me. For the last couple of weeks I've been getting a few aches, but nothing that a pain-killer or two couldn't handle. I've been quite impressed actually, with everything that's been going on in 2012, I really couldn't deal with the soul-deep, paralyzing, excruciating pain of toothaches. The last time it got this bad was last year, I remember walking out in the middle of a movie premiere I'd been invited to, practically in tears. The movie itself was a comedy so I couldn't exactly claim that it was the reason for the tears *rolls eyes*.

Someone once said that child-birth and heart-break are the most painful things in life, clearly they'd never been woken up in the middle of the night with the searing pain of tooth-ache. You question the meaning of life, cry, toss and turn, cry a bit more and the pain is still there. On a bad night, I've gone through 6 pain killers, had to call my BFF and find out at which point it officially becomes attempted suicide to take so many pills. She told me to stop being dramatic, pain-killers won't kill you, just zombify you maybe.

Anywhoo, back to the comedy that is my life. I drive to my dentist's office, get told there are no openings until tomorrow afternoon, but the lady at the reception sweetly states: 'In the mean-time, gargle with salt water, it will help.' I gave her one of my most charming smiles, wondering what drug she was on to think I'd still be alive in 24 hours time. I left the office, went to the pharmacy and got enough pain-killers to sink a ship.

Did I mention that since Monday, I'd barely been able to eat? Oh, and when I got back to work I tried the salt-water concoction, did the pain not almost knock me the f*** out?! But after about 10 minutes it started to work, so I guess I need to thank that lovely receptionist at the dentist shame, it wasn't a conspiracy to kill me. Now with all the delightful pain, I can't even imagine the idea of solid food. Or anything that's hot or that's cold or needs to be chewed. Limiting my choices quite substantially *sigh...*

But then I remembered my mom's advice, when you've got a tooth-ache, you need to make mageu and drink it. It's a proper meal replacement and yes it's got all the vitamins and great things. So in the last 4 days I've lived on a solid diet of Mageu Number 1, breakfast = mageu, lunch = more mageu and supper = even more mageu. It's actually worked like a charm, quite filling and I've tried every taste under the sun (well, under the sun at my local garage, I see those ladies behind the till giving me a 'geez this girl loves her mageu' look, but that's the least of my problems),

Yesterday morning, I went into Randburg, looking for another dentist. I used to have one, in one of the more unsavoury parts of Randburg, he never used to believe me when I told him how painful my gums were, definitely didn't have the best bedside manner. I do remember him being cheap though. I walked around, couldn't find him and decided to go into the mall. Followed the signs and arrived at this other dentists office. Now I know no one will believe this, but although it was almost 10am the dentist hadn't arrived, I was the 3rd person in the queue and there was a power failure in the mall. Even with my limited knowledge of medicine, I'm sure dentists need electricity... I love how funny life is when it's not funny.

I spoke to the receptionist, she told me that considering my symptoms, I need to take a course of anti-inflammatories for 5 days, let the swelling go down and then come back for them to 'fix me'. I've developed a great respect for receptionists at dentist offices, so I took her wise words to heart and got the antibiotics.

I woke up with a swollen cheek this morning, but like a soldier I popped my cocktail of meds, got my mageu and went to work. After just a couple of hours, my boss told me to go home, guess this Rambo act wasn't really fooling anyone...

I'm really hoping that my Christmas is a pain-free one, imagine going through it unable to eat all those treats. *trauma!*

Oh and if I could wish upon a star, it would be so cool if I lost a bit of weight from this exercise as well... I'm seeing a sexy bikini body in my near future,

But shout-out to Mageu Number One, sometimes going back to basics and taking mommy's advice can be the best thing you can do.... as I have my banana-flavoured mageu for supper, (",)

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