May the writers write, the thinkers think and the talkers talk.
May none dare go beyond their calling towards what is not theirs to do.
May the feelers feel, the artists creatively articulate truth, may leaders lead.
The fate of Africa lies in our ability to love.
As love leads the way, may grace, forgiveness, favour welcome it,
May the truth become more potent than the lie, more powerful.
We have been the wretched of the earth for too long,
Have cried too many tears, have fought way too many wars.
My prayer is that we may we all recognise the true African dream,
Let the talkers talk, the thinkers think and the dreamers dream.
Talk honestly, reflectively and realistically about the real reason we are here.
Dream up a reality more beautiful than our glorious past or wildest Imaginings,
Think up a plan so solid that it will carry us safely into the promised land.
My only wish is that Africans realise their role in their own resurrection,
That they lay down their lives for their emancipation, that they love.
Love their legacy, their fellow man and their inevitable destiny,
Love discipline, love integrity and love their freedom enough to die for it.
But most importantly, that they love themselves enough to know their worth.
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