Being different can be one of the most terrifying things in life. They all look the same, they think the same, they want the same things. But as you interact with them, you know you're different. Being different takes courage, if nothing else. I've been different most of my life. Always been the shortest, with the biggest eyes and (once upon a time, until my body caught up) the biggest head. Maybe when I was a child, I wanted to fit in, but even at that young age, I couldn't. So I decided to accept the fact that I'm different. Embraced it, celebrated it and accepted it as a part of who I'm meant to be.

I am different. Whilst other girls never leave home without their lip-gloss, I never leave home without my camera. Whilst other people define themselves on how much money they have, I define myself on when was the last time I spent writing something that means something to me. To be different is a blessing as well as a curse, compared to how you look at it.

I was the first black head-girl of my school, it was honestly the worst year of my life. But I was different, I'd prayed for it and when I got it, the responsibility and hardships that came with it, were at times too hard for me to handle. But I'm different. I'm a leader and although that year I learnt that leadership doesn't mean popularity, I learnt more than all the years I spent in school and varsity. Then varsity came, I wasn't cool, I had dreadlocks and wore long skirts, whilst other girls competed on who looked hottest in a short skirt, I spent my days studying and writing. I was different. When the end of the 3 years came, I had a degree in my hand, whilst others had regrets.
Being different is not necessarily something you choose, but all those who look at you and are intimidated by your guts, they may make fun of you, but they wish they could be that strong and brave. You owe it to you to go into the scary places within yourself, to face your own self doubt and to go for it.
The world isn't changed by people who maintain the status quo, but by those who dare to be different. Don't let fear and people's opinions rob you of your destiny. Be different, be weird, be yourself.
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